O produtor de Crayon Shin-chan morreu _-_ nao procurei saber a causa da morte do autor desse anime bemm zueira mas o que se sabe é que a produtora do anime nao irá parar de produzi-lo =D sinal que o anime esta bem vaorizado.Aqui no Brasil a moda de shin-chan ainda nao pegou mas isso é questao de tempo ^^ hehe eu mereço umas boas palmadaaas ^^(piada interna shin-chan =D)
The producer of Crayon Shin-chan died _-_ not tried to ascertain the cause of death of the author of this anime and bullied but what is known is that the producer of the anime will not stop producing it = D sign that the anime is well valued. Here in Brazil the fashion of shin-chan has not picked up but it is matter of time ^ ^ hehe I deserve a good spanking ^ ^ (inside joke shin-chan = D)
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no OFM eu dei a noticia completa XD
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