Kurofuku kei Segundo o nome, é um estilo cuja base é formada pelas roupas com elementos pretos. Refere-se a bandas do final da década de 1980 e da primeira metade da década de 1990, que possuíam um estilo mais obscuro, com possível referência ao gótico. Não é comum usar o termo "kurofuku kei" para se referir às bandas que utilizavam roupas compostas por esmalte. Diz-se que Youka é a banda precursora deste movimento. Também se encaixam neste estilo BUCK-TICK,LUNA SEA, ZI:KILL, Kuroyume e BY-SEXUAL (ao menos, no início de suas respectivas carreiras). Há diversas bandas que tentaram seguir o kurofuku kei. Ao se comparar com o kotevi kei, a maquiagem é pouca, e é comum usar maquiagens que dêem uma imagem mais obscura.
Kurofuku kei
According to the name, is a style whose base is formed by elements with black clothes. Refers to bands of the late 1980s and the first half of the 1990s, which had a more obscure, with possible reference to the Gothic. It is common to use the term "kurofuku kei" to refer to bands that used clothing composed of enamel. It is said that the band is Youka pioneered this movement. Also fit this style BUCK-TICK, LUNA SEA, ZI: KILL, Kuroyume and BY-SEXUAL (at least at the beginning of their careers). There are several bands that tried to follow the kurofuku kei. Comparing with the Kotev kei, make-up is low, and it is common to use makeup to give a more obscure.
Kurofuku kei
According to the name, is a style whose base is formed by elements with black clothes. Refers to bands of the late 1980s and the first half of the 1990s, which had a more obscure, with possible reference to the Gothic. It is common to use the term "kurofuku kei" to refer to bands that used clothing composed of enamel. It is said that the band is Youka pioneered this movement. Also fit this style BUCK-TICK, LUNA SEA, ZI: KILL, Kuroyume and BY-SEXUAL (at least at the beginning of their careers). There are several bands that tried to follow the kurofuku kei. Comparing with the Kotev kei, make-up is low, and it is common to use makeup to give a more obscure.
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